Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday Night

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. My neighbor, who is an elderly lady with lung cancer, called me and asked if I would come and help her clean her house. She was having unexpected company and really couldn't get it all done in time. I spent a while yesterday helping her. Then I cleaned my own place a little and spent the rest of the day with Owen. We swam in the pool a while, rode bikes a while, and were getting ready to go fishing when it came a downpour :( He was pretty disappointed and so was I. We planned on going today but it rained ALL DAY!

I made meatloaf, mashed taters, rolls, and carrots for supper. We ate dinner and just lounged around doing nothing most of the day. Owen did put on his rain gear and go out and ride his bike through some puddles. I should have taken some pictures but didn't think about it. I really need to put some pictures up. I promise to do that this week.

I drank a Mt. Dew today and am feeling pretty crappy about it. I hadn't drank a soda in over 4 months and then today I blew it. :( Oh well, I will do better tomorrow.

There were lots of birds that came to the feeder today when the rain would slack off. One of the birds was pretty big and I don't know what type it was. It was black and gray and had a very pointy beak. I will try and find a pic of it online and show it to Owen, he was really curious as to what sort of bird it was.

We watched "Wild Hogs" tonight on DVD and Owen worked on his model boat while we watched it. I continue to knit on the scarf for his Nan. It seems like it is coming along so slow.

I am also a little discouraged because I don't think anyone is reading my blog. I guess I expected that. My life is pretty boring, I didn't figure anyone would want to read about it. I suppose I was just feeling like I wanted to share my daily goings on with someone, to know that someone out there at least knows what goes on in my life. I enjoy being single, but sometimes it is lonely.

I think I am going to start a new book tonight. I had started one about the Salem witch trials, but it hasn't really captured my attention like I thought it would. I have so many books and never know which one to read. I need to get into one of those book sharing programs.

Well folks, more tomorrow. Night Night.

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